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Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - Printable Version

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Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - hntxz - 2024-02-06

I installed jellyfin on my ubuntu server and everything besides permissions to folders was fine, after rebooting the system all files won't play. and 50% of movie and series files were deleted.
Should i reinstall jellyfin?
The error is "Playback Failed
Playback failed with error "loading failed". Retry with transcode? (Note this may hang the player.)" and after clicking cancel it changes to "Playback Error
This client isn't compatible with the media and the server isn't sending a compatible media format."

RE: Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - tmsrxzar - 2024-02-06

are all your drives mounted where they should be? were they mounted using fstab or just mounted?

RE: Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - hntxz - 2024-02-06

(2024-02-06, 12:40 AM)tmsrxzar Wrote: are all your drives mounted where they should be? were they mounted using fstab or just mounted?

Just mounted normally..

RE: Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - hntxz - 2024-02-06

loop0  squashfs  40.4M /snap/snapd/20671
loop1  squashfs  63.9M /snap/core20/2105
loop2  squashfs  63.4M /snap/core20/1974
loop3  squashfs  53.3M /snap/snapd/19457
loop4  squashfs 111.9M /snap/lxd/24322
loop5  squashfs 114.4M /snap/lxd/26741
sda            465.8G
├─sda1 vfat        1G /boot/efi
└─sda2 ext4    464.7G /
sdb            931.5G
└─sdb1 ext4    931.5G /boot

Can i just nuke this SDB and start again with the jellyfin installation?

RE: Jellyfin won't play files after reboot - tmsrxzar - 2024-02-06

(2024-02-06, 12:50 AM)hntxz Wrote: Can i just nuke this SDB and start again with the jellyfin installation?

i don't have any context to answer this question as i have no idea what is installed on what and running from where

it sounds like your initial problem is that you went to a console (or similar) and mounted your media drive then setup those mounts in jellyfin, but those mounts did not persist across boots because you didn't use fstab

that would explain 50% of the library missing and files saying they won't load

the easy fix is to simply mount the media drive back where it used to be using fstab to keep it persistent