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Audio track metadata not updating for film - Printable Version

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Audio track metadata not updating for film - Perseverant - 2024-02-07

Hey folks, I'm running a Linux/docker install on the latest version (10.8.13) and everything I tried below was done in the web UI.

I've multiplexed over 200 films and many more special features at this point and have never run into this issue before.  I inadvertently added a film to my server where a foreign language was selected as the default audio track rather than English.  No problem, I've made that mistake before.  I threw the file back into MKVtoolnix, made sure the foreign language was set to "no" for default, and made sure English was set to "yes".  It spit out the new file, I double-checked that everything was correct, and I overwrote the old MKV file with the corrected one on my server.

The foreign language still showed as the default audio track in Jellyfin, so I forced all metadata to be updated via the UI.  Still, the foreign language was showing as the default language.  Confused, I dragged the file back into MKVtoolnix.  English was the default audio track within the file (and the ONLY default audio track), but Jellyfin just wasn't recognizing it.

Not sure of what else to do, I deleted the MKV file for the movie off of the server completely.  I saw it disappear from Jellyfin's UI.  Then I copied the correct file over again.  The movie popped back into Jellyfin and!.... ....STILL the wrong language is showing as the default.  I tried forcing a metadata update and that didn't do anything.

Any ideas of what might be going on here?  Thanks in advance for any help.

RE: Audio track metadata not updating for film - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-07

Can you run ffprobe on the new file? Double check that MKVtoolnix is doing what it is supposed to?