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Wrong Movie Match? - Printable Version

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Wrong Movie Match? - fichelbyxa - 2024-02-07


Noobie question, maybe:

When finding a newly added movie in a directory called "Monster - 2023", the library refresh gets the metadata for the movie "Goodbye Monster" from 2022.


How do I tell JellyFin to correct it?


(I did a search in the forum, but none of the hits had existing threads...)

RE: Wrong Movie Match? - tmsrxzar - 2024-02-07

if you named it "Monster - 2023" note that " - " is reserved for flagging
if not, what did you name it, exactly?

RE: Wrong Movie Match? - fichelbyxa - 2024-02-07

All my movies are named "<title> - <year>" in order to distinguish between movies with the same name but different years.

E.g. "The Ladykillers - 1955" and "The Ladykillers - 2004"

BTW: What is "-" flagging?

RE: Wrong Movie Match? - tmsrxzar - 2024-02-07

use the naming scheme

when jellyfin scans files it looks for " - " to determine additional flags, when that exists it thinks what follows is a flag
flags are also outlined in the link above