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Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - Printable Version

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Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - Leafies121 - 2024-02-12

So my jellyfin server works great except when i try to access it outside of the house ie different network it doesnt load at all if i teamviewer into the pc and reset the server itll work great for another 30 min, meanwhile locally it works completely fine

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - tmsrxzar - 2024-02-12

30m seems oddly specific
do you have power saving enabled anywhere on your server? drives, network?

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - Leafies121 - 2024-02-12

(2024-02-12, 08:32 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: 30m seems oddly specific
do you have power saving enabled anywhere on your server? drives, network?

I dont have power saving and i should have said approximately 30 min

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-12

This, 100%, sounds like it is entering a low power state even if it isn't straight up going to sleep. Jellyfin can't make your server sleep nor keep it awake if it isn't active. Go into the power settings and make sure the network, CPU, and storage devices never go to sleep.

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - Leafies121 - 2024-02-16

well this worked initially, and then windows did a massive update (not 11 thank god.) and even though hdd and network are set to never sleep it still happens now. i then learned task scheduler is just super broken in windows 10 now so i cant even set a task to restart JF every 20 min. this is probably the worst workaround to use but heres what i did.

I made a batch file that counts down and resets jellyfin every 19 min, kills the old processes and starts it again. and added that to startup.

@echo off
Title JellyFin Auto Reboot
cd "G:\program files\jellyfin"
REM Countdown timer for 19 minutes
set /a "minutes=19"
set /a "seconds=00"

echo Rebooting Jellyfin in %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds.
timeout /t 1 >nul
set /a "seconds-=1"

if %seconds% equ -1 (
    set /a "minutes-=1"
    set "seconds=59"

if %minutes% geq 0 goto countdown
echo Rebooting JellyFin
taskkill /f /im
taskkill /f /im jellyfin.exe
start jellyfin.lnk
goto repeat

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-16

But what if you're using Jellyfin? Won't this kill it? Also, this sounds like a recipe to corrupt your database.

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-16

Are you using automatic port mapping? IIRC, the uPnP timeout on most routers is 30 minutes.

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - Leafies121 - 2024-02-17

so it'll kill it for a fraction of a second. usually only noticeable on browsing. i set up the port forwarding in the router myself but i didnt see anything for timeout.

RE: Server stops working every 30 min outside of house? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-17

The timeout I was talking about only applies for uPnP, which is what "automatic port mapping" is referring to in Jellyfin's settings..