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Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - Printable Version

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Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - CptNonsense - 2024-02-15

All my files are tagged before I moved them to my server from my local PC and I deleted and re-added the Music library to get rid of old data from porting the jellyfin server from another host system.

Viewing the metadata in Administration, it lists the artists and their associated albums, but artists do not show up in the Artists section of the music library and song data is not populated.  Data does not appear to be being read from the id3tags

How do I check the data that jellyfin is reading?

RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - jimmyjammy - 2024-02-15

I would imagine looking at the logs. How much time have you given Jellyfin to source & download that information ? It doesn't retain & transfer metadata after deleting a library so It has to gather it all again for the new one.

RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - CptNonsense - 2024-02-15

Apparently it was an issue of ffmpeg being misplaced

RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - CptNonsense - 2024-02-15

Now I have a different problem - some files aren't being read properly.  Multiple strings are being read incorrectly for no apparent reason.  Some sort of string read error where instead of reading the value of the attribute, it's reading the attribute name, minus the first letter.  "RTIST", "usicbrainz album artist id", same for album id, other artist, and track id

Edit: Mp3tag downloads from Musicbrainz but apparently sometimes just chokes assigning the values

RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - andperry256 - 2024-02-17

I am new to Jellyfin and have had exactly the same problem with the lists of artists and album artists not being populated. I was going to raise a new thread, but this one has possibly given a good clue with regards to the mis-placed ffmpeg. Having looked through the Jellyfin logs, I can see errors relating to jellyfin-ffmpeg being missing and on checking the filesystem, it does not seem to be there.

I am running on a clean install of Ubuntu 22.04.3. Have tried downloading the latest DEB archive from jellyfin-ffmpeg on GitHub (for Debian Bookworm, which I believe is the base version for Ubuntu 22.04). On running it, I get an error to say that dependencies are not met, but the installer does not actually say what those dependencies are.

I feel somewhat stuck and would appreciate any help.


RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - andperry256 - 2024-02-17

I seem to have managed to answer my own question, but here are my findings in case they are of help to anyone else.

I looked online about trying to resolve dependency problems when installing from a DEB archive. This came up with the suggestion to try:-

sudo apt-get install ./filename.deb

Tried this on the installation file for Jellyfin-ffmpeg - it did not work but suggested trying:-

sudo apt-get install jellyfin-ffmpeg6

This ran through without a problem. Having done this followed by a full metadata rescan in Jellyfin, the issue was finally resolved.

RE: Not populatin Artist or Album Artist - CptNonsense - 2024-02-18

My problem was migrating from another system. The install of where ffmpeg was in the settings file was the other drive, so I had to change it. And the file that does music metadata processing apparently derives its location from ffmpeg, not ffmpeg, not metadata processor. Also, I'm using windows

There is still a problem that I don't understand with artist metadata assignments