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AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - Printable Version

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AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - glassgenie - 2024-02-16

Hello, I want to start off by saying that I just switched from plex to Jellyfin a week ago and I am loving it so far. The ability to use an app to stream directly to my phone without needing to pay for plex pass is amazing.

General Setup:
Jellyfin/Plex both behind NGINX reverse proxy on Debian 12 2c/8gb E5-2620 v4 VM.
Jellyfin Ver: 10.8.13, Installed with Automatic Repository Method
Goal is to do NO transcoding.
I have a Sony Bravia <something, idk the actual model> with the VH2 SOC (GoogleTV).
Casting from Jellyfin android app to tv.
I have confirmed using the Aida64 app on the TV that AV1 hardware decoding is supported.

However, when I cast I get a x264 transcode rather than a direct stream of AV1, as shown by the logs:
[2024-02-15 23:34:47.423 -06:00] [INF] User policy for "jellyfin". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2024-02-15 23:34:47.433 -06:00] [INF] StreamBuilder.BuildVideoItem( Profile="Anonymous Profile", Path="/mnt/dvd/Shows/Scooby Doo Where are You/1/Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! S01e01 What A Night For A Knight.mp4", AudioStreamIndex=null, SubtitleStreamIndex=null ) => ( PlayMethod=Transcode, TranscodeReason=VideoCodecNotSupported, SubtitleCodecNotSupported ) "media:/videos/329b77e4-f813-f5ec-3777-34bdf09f6de7/stream.mkv?MediaSourceId=329b77e4f813f5ec377734bdf09f6de7&VideoCodec=h264,vp8,vp9&AudioCodec=aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&SubtitleStreamIndex=3&VideoBitrate=10832800&AudioBitrate=167200&AudioSampleRate=48000&MaxFramerate=29.97003&api_key=<token>&SubtitleMethod=Encode&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&CopyTimestamps=true&RequireAvc=false&Tag=3f0e70833c57e2483ef725a7e513dc52&av1-level=4&av1-videobitdepth=8&av1-profile=main&av1-audiochannels=1&aac-profile=lc&aac-audiochannels=2&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported,%20SubtitleCodecNotSupported"

Can someone with more knowledge than me advise if this is a limit of casting, or if I could have something else weird going on that is causing issues?

I'm pretty married to casting as it is part of the reason I purchased a tv with GoogleTV integrated. I have not tried the Jellyfin app yet (I do have it installed & logged in but when I cast it doesn't seem to open the app like something like Netflix does, it opens a Chromecast type thing, not sure what to call it but it is not the full Jellyfin app.) I suppose if I need to I can just use the app, but casting would be really nice.

The only reason I stumbled down this AV1 path is because when I switched to Jellyfin I found some of my library (Some of my first encodes, about 50% of my library), from when I was a major handbrake noob are weirdly encoded and Jellyfin does not pull any metadata and cannot play them at all. Long story short I realized I needed to re-encode a bunch of stuff and I knew that Jellyfin supported AV1 and it its creating files 2/3 the size of my x264 easily, so if I can switch I want to.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

RE: AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-16

Jellyfin's casting implementation is pretty jank and I definitely don't recommend using that over using the built-in Android TV Jellyfin app.

RE: AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - glassgenie - 2024-02-16

(2024-02-16, 06:26 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Jellyfin's casting implementation is pretty jank and I definitely don't recommend using that over using the built-in Android TV Jellyfin app.

That was my fear. Do you think there is a chance that the implementation could get better in the future, or is it one of those things where Google makes it hard to implement if you aren't a multi-million dollar company? Even if it doesn't I will be sticking with Jellyfin.

RE: AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-16

Google definitely doesn't make it easy to implement.

RE: AV1 Support when casting to GoogleTV (Sony Bravia VH2) - glassgenie - 2024-02-16

(2024-02-16, 06:56 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Google definitely doesn't make it easy to implement.

Doesn't surprise me. Thank you for the info!