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New to this world - What else should I do - Printable Version

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New to this world - What else should I do - Roguiber - 2024-02-19


I just finished installing jellyfish and I use it to watch content from my PC (I5+ gtx1600) to my LG C2 and it its working correctly.
I usually watch remux DTS content.

As I understand it, there is no transcoding happening, correct? 
Are there any setting I need to configure to maximize image and sound quality? Any additional configurations you think are good for this set-up

RE: New to this world - What else should I do - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-19

Direct playing is the best its going to get. Jellyfin can't "enhance" video. Setup NVENC transcoding to maximize quality and speed when you do have to transcode.

RE: New to this world - What else should I do - Roguiber - 2024-02-19

When would I have to transcode?

Direct playing is the default option for the app, correct?

RE: New to this world - What else should I do - Venson - 2024-02-19

The client you are using will decide if it needs the server to transcode video if the original video codec is not supported by that clients hardware/software. If the codec is supported as is, the video will be streamed without modification.