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Jellyfin ignoring mp3 metadata - Printable Version

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Jellyfin ignoring mp3 metadata - shipley7701 - 2024-02-21

I recently started using Jellyfin as a music server. I have several artists worth of music uploaded, and I initially noticed that the files had some rather niche genre tags.
I started using MusicBrainz Picard to help edit the tags, and so far I've gotten through about half of my library.

I went into Jellyfin earlier to check how the new genres looked, and I nothing had changed, even after I rescanned metadata (replace existing).
I went into the dashboard, under "Manage Library" and unchecked all downloaders under "Music Artist" and "Music Albums" (These are all options that don't have to do with images, I didn't see one related to genre) and rescanned again - nothing changed.

I looked for a way to disable the metadata downloaders entirely, but all I have installed is the musicbrainz and audiodb plugins; neither one has the option to disable the plugin like I see in my other plugins.

I want Jellyfin to use the metadata that's already in the MP3 file before anything else and so far I've failed to find a way to do this - all references I've found online say to disable metadata downloaders, but I don't seem to have that option. 
I'd appreciate any help!

RE: Jellyfin ignoring mp3 metadata - shipley7701 - 2024-02-21

I was able to fix the issue by taking the server offline, bringing it back online, and rescanning all libraries.
Jellyfin now reads the updated metadata correctly. I'm not sure whether this is something I will have to do every time I want to re-read the files metadata, but I at least got it working with what I have so far.