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how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - Printable Version

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how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - udance4ever - 2024-02-22

hello everyone - brand new to Jellyfin migrating from Emby - like the clean look so far! Smiling-face 

Importing Movies, TV Shows, and Pictures went well.  The only issue I’m running into are multi-disc CD compilations missing Disc Number identification (if it is an album like New Order’s 2-disc Substance, it identifies both discs correctly).

My multi-disc MP3 files are named in this format (both albums and compilations): 2-01 Summersault (Original Mix).mp3

I’ve tried creating subfolders “Disc 1” and “Disc 2” and also tried renaming “Disc 2 Track 2 Summersault (Original Mix).mp3” as instructed here - both didn’t work after rescanning, deleting the cache and rebooting the server.

The only thing that works is going into the track’s metadata and adding “1” or “2” to the “Disc Number” field.

I went into the metadata manager assuming it supports batch updates.  I discovered I can indeed Command select multiple tracks on the left.  But when I update the Disc Number field and hit Save, it only updates the last track selected (not all 14 that were selected) (this seems like a possible bug as this is how it worked in iTunes if this was the intention)

Are there other clever ways to update the Disc Number for multiple tracks all at once?

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-22

Have you tried using MusicBrainz Picard to auto tag your music? I ran my scanned my entire library with it and it did 99+% of the work and only had to make small corrections occasionally as I find them. Highly recommended.

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - udance4ever - 2024-02-22

(2024-02-22, 04:40 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Have you tried using MusicBrainz Picard to auto tag your music?  I ran my scanned my entire library with it and it did 99+% of the work and only had to make small corrections occasionally as I find them.

thank you for the pointer to Picard!  Does this utility update the ID3 tags in the mp3 files themselves?  It’s not clear from their front page:

Quote:Picard helps you organize your music collection by renaming your music files and sorting them into a folder structure exactly the way you want it.

If all it does is rename my files and sort them into folders then it might not help because my files are named correctly and in the folder conventions recommended by Jellyfin.

The issue is with the parser not recognizing there are 2 discs in compilations (not albums)

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - udance4ever - 2024-02-22

ok - I’m definitely going to give this a try - their introduction is not as dumb-downed as the front page (which honestly is misleading):

Quote:Picard can… …add metadata tags to your music files, based on information available from the MusicBrainz website.

I’m glad there is a Linux client and will report back on what happens and things definitely look up now that I know it updates ID3 tags!

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-22

It only updates the ID3 tags, AFAIK. But I didn't look into its functionality besides ID3 tags and embedding images.

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - udance4ever - 2024-02-22

hmm - initial tests don’t look like Picard will help.  Turns out iTunes already embedded the correct Disc Number in all my mp3s (and the metadata must be embedded in a different way than ID3 (as the id3v2 utility couldn’t find any tags so I’m glad Picard can see them!))


any other ideas to trick Jellyfin into reading the Disc Number in all my files?

I also don’t mind manually updating the Disc Number field and my primary reason for posting was to find a workaround to select all the tracks of a single disc at once and change the same field like iTunes. I only need to do this maybe 10 times so a workaround is just fine.

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-22

AFAIK, you will have to manually change it on each track. I had to do this the other day for some music I recently added. ALL the tracks had the same metadata tags, but about half were sorted like they didn't have a disc number.

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - udance4ever - 2024-02-22

yeah - that sounds like the behavior I have - 2 compilation discs with 15 tracks each crossweaved without the “Disc 1” and “Disc 2” headings albums have.

I’m still looking for a workaround - I started doing it one track at a time and it got tedious.

I prefer to contribute and help fix the bug as Jellyfin should be pulling out this information and it is a matter of diving into the code and finding out what makes an compilation different from an album that causes it to skip this step.

shall we move this conversation to GitHub?

1. issue in regards to not extracting Disc Number on compilations
2. issue in regards to not applying changes to all tracks multiple/Command selected in Metadata Manager

RE: how to batch change Disc Number field over multiple tracks? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-22

Go ahead and create a git issue. I can't find an existing ticket.