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SOLVED: Can't connect on chrome - Printable Version

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Can't connect on chrome - Pyrofunto - 2024-02-24

Hey everyone, I'm trying to connect to my server via a Windows 10 laptop on the local network. However I'm running into the issue that it will work perfectly fine on Firefox but when trying to connect on chrome I get the error message "Can't connect to selected server".

Anyone know how to fix this?

RE: Can't connect on chrome - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-24

Clear your Chrome browser cache for Jellyfin. I'm assuming you've reinstalled Jellyfin on your server or have used this laptop to connect to other Jellyfin instances.

RE: Can't connect on chrome - Pyrofunto - 2024-02-24

Yup that solved it, thanks! Don't know why I didn't think of that earlier lol