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2 web (not vue) questions - Printable Version

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2 web (not vue) questions - enesha - 2024-02-24

Afternoon all Smiling-face I'm back after several months being quiet..Last posted before Xmas I think and never got back, I know I was so terribly missed lol

So I just had two questions regarding the web interface. For reference I am running linux and I'm at 10.8.13-1 usign the original jellyfin web. There are just two things malin me scratch my head right now.

So the most recent, I just noticed on my way here. The end time is being weird on my laptop. Seems to work ok on my tizen and roku, just noticed this bit now. i.e it is 5P est here. Looking at a show that is 45 minutes. it is saying that the show will end at 10:45. Weird. This laptop and the server (both related but different linux distros) are set to proper local time, and I doubt bios is UTC but just weird. Any thoughts? Not something that stops usage or really has any impact, just happened to notice it as I prepared. Weird

So the other bit that I am actually trying to work on is the tags. They seem like they'd be super useful. Again I think that they work on my tizen, but on the web I can see the tags, but I can't click on them or search by them, afaik. Seems like that would be a super slick way to locate other related content I have (bunch of stuff I have I don't got for others, so don't even really know what they are) and would be nice to use. Even if they work on tizen, I'd really like to be able to use them from my pc as I just find that searchinf and the such to be easier with a kb/mouse/not 10 feet way, blah blah..ya know?

I do have several blockers on my browser. so im open to the thought that i'm shooting myself in the foot..tho that said I do have js allowed on there and ghost/badger are not blocking anything on my local server afaik.

So any thoughts are requested, again even to say I'm f*ing myself up lol WOuldn't be the first time, ya know? Smiling-face

Thanks in advance Smiling-face

RE: 2 web (not vue) questions - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-25

I'd bet that whatever ad blockers/script blockers you have running could very likely be the culprit for the end time problem.

AFAIK, the web client doesn't make the tags clickable.  I'm assuming you mean the tags I circled in my screenshot below.


RE: 2 web (not vue) questions - enesha - 2024-02-25

Hiya DPR Smiling-face Nice to see you again.

Yeah I'd not fight that the blockers might be the time thing. I'll just watch it for anecdotal information for myself. I mean it's interesting to see, but hardly mission critical and actually does nothing for me as I don't actually use the web interface to play anything. Tho something clicks in me that maybe the tizen is built out of the web interface... Ah well who cares lol

Damn shame about the tags. Yeah those circled were what I was talking about. Sometimes they have some very insightful thougts that might lead me places. Might have been useful to use on the computer but if I get pokery enough about things, I guess I'll just use other interfaces wherever I have seen it clickable. Not 100% which interface exposed them so...roku tizen or android, but if I get curious enough I'll investigate.

As usual thanks for your time and attention Smiling-face

RE: 2 web (not vue) questions - thornbill - 2024-02-25

Yes, the Tizen app is built around the web interface. It sounds like you probably built it using master/unstable web instead of checking out the release branch. A change to make the tags links was just merged roughly sometime in the past week… although you wouldn’t really be getting correct results from a stable (10.8.x) server.