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Multiple Audio Tracks in STRM files - Printable Version

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Multiple Audio Tracks in STRM files - stuck - 2024-02-24

my server hosts many video streams using .strm files.  Most of these files have more than 1 audio track.  Jellyfin scanning doesn't seem to display the track options unless I try to play the video for the first time.  Once I play the video, even for just a few seconds, then the audio track selection options appear for that video.  Is there a way to force a scan of all strm files to find the audio track options without manually playing every file for a few seconds?
Thanks in advance.

RE: Multiple Audio Tracks in STRM files - sevenrats - 2024-02-25

Yeah we don't probe strm files on scan. This is to avoid DOSing the backend or pulling vast amounts of data into its cache, because you may or may not have permission to access the backend this way. Instead, jellyfin will scan shortcuts like strms on playback. While I'm sure the team would consider a PR that allows admins to configure this behavior, the playback code is quite hairy and it will be difficult to implement well.
If you really must have all the metadata in advance, there is currently no way around it other than to request playback of every single title through the api. The easiest way would be with a script but manually would work.

RE: Multiple Audio Tracks in STRM files - stuck - 2024-02-25

Thank you for your answer. This helps me from trying all different scan options.