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Unable to Remote Connect - Printable Version

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Unable to Remote Connect - extraspicyramen - 2024-02-25

Ok, relative newbie here so if I botch stuff that's why.

I'm attempting to set up a Jellyfin 10.8.13 server on win10 that will allow remote connections from Roku devices. I've set up the server settings to allow remote connections and am using the default port 8096 for http. I port forwarded port 8096, allowed through Windows Defender Firewall, verified with, but cannot connect to the server remotely using public IP and port 8096. 

I've tried both on Roku and on Jellyfin mobile with no WiFi, both give the same error. My ISP is Spectrum if that makes a difference, and I attempted to port forward 80 and 443 as well but gives Connection Timeout.

 I can connect via LAN on multiple devices. I'm at a loss for what to try next. Raspberry Pi for the Roku isn't an option, buying a new router isn't completely off the table but ideally that's a last resort. I unfortunately can't set up Tailscale or Zerotier or similar as Roku doesn't support without Pi.

Reverse Proxy is something that could probably work but like I said I'm pretty new to all this and don't own a domain to proxy through (though I can probably get a subdomain for a site I don't own). Ideally I'd like to stick with port forwarding, at least as a temporary measure while I set up something more secure. 

I'm pretty sure I'm just forgetting a step somewhere but google searches just lead to forum threads or reddit posts that don't have definitive information.

RE: Unable to Remote Connect - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-25

Does your ISP use CGNAT?