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since the activation of IPv6: client is not compatible with the media - Printable Version

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since the activation of IPv6: client is not compatible with the media - pixel24 - 2024-02-27


Since my server is now connected to a pure IPv6 connection, I had to configure IPv6 in the LAN.

The setup works. The host (Ubuntu 23.04) has a valid IPv6 configuration:

root@media01:~# ip a
2: ens18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 5e:xx:3a:xx:e3:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp6s18
    inet 192.168.xx.10/24 brd 192.168.xx.255 scope global dynamic ens18
      valid_lft 42679sec preferred_lft 42679sec
    inet6 2a02:xxxx:2180:8e1c:5c20:3aff:fef7:e3ee/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
      valid_lft 86375sec preferred_lft 14375sec
    inet6 fe80::5c20:3aff:fef7:e3ee/64 scope link
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

a ping6 on 2a02:xxxx:2180:8e1c:5c20:3aff:fef7:e3ee works. I then activated IPv6 in the JF backend and restarted the VM.

I can access in the browser:


and log in to JF. When I try to play media (music or movie) I get the message:

This client is not compatible with the media and the server is not sending a compatible media format.

I get the same message on the Android with the JF app.

Everything was fine before the changeover. What have I done wrong?

with best

RE: since the activation of IPv6: client is not compatible with the media - pixel24 - 2024-02-27

I have found the problem. For whatever reason, the Ubuntu VM did not mount the SMB shares on which the libraries are located after the IPv6 configuration and the final reboot.

After another reboot they were mounted and then the media was played again.
