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TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - Printable Version

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TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-28

Decided to make some changes to my shared drives network locations (grouped into a single folder through mounted drive locations) and everything went fine with my movies, but TV Shows is a mess. Any of the drives which had individual network mapped drive locations before and are now mounted to a single network path location won't scan. I've tried renaming the network shared folder thinking that could be an issue, adding 1 drive at a time, even made a new library entry for Shows to test and still nothing will scan. I changed everything back to the previous network drive shares and those won't scan either. There are 10 hard drives on on machine all having this issue.

On another machine I shared just the main folder that has TV shows and that worked fine. For another library entry I shared that root folder and it works fine. But these 10 just won't scan at all any more. 

All machines run Windows 10 and everything was fine before I messed it up. As mentioned all movies went through this process without issue. I know what I am trying to do should work because it's how I set-up my friend's large server unit a few months back and wanted to do similar, though my drives span 2 separate machines. All these drive locations are accessible on the network either through their own drive location or as mounted drives within the shared folder and can be seen in the media manager of Kodi so it's not something in the network not allowing access to these drives. But I'm stumped what/where in JF this issue may be and don't want to kill my entire JF server to start from scratch just yet. Through all this frustration somehow an entire drive of TV shows was deleted but luckily I have off-site back-up at my buddy's. 

Any ideas? Cheers.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-28

After leaving the server alone for a few hours it seems to be scanning TV shows but it's also scanning what appear to be hidden folders on the drives so I've getting entries for folders called "found 000" "found 001" "found 002" and so far 7 called "recovery" which are of course not folders for TV shows. Unsure what is leading to this action. Still doesn't fix the full drive I lost either but that's another issue. And still frustrating.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-28

Can you share your jellyfin logs with us via sourcebin or pastebin?

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-28

I will do so when I have a chance. Anything I could look into myself? I know scanning a 450+ TV show library takes some time but the actions now are not like I've experienced before. It took well over 10 hours with almost no progress updates until after over 7-8 hours. Normally as shows, movies etc are scanned the library will show an updated status every 5-10 minutes, maybe 30? Not a full work day, hence why I thought nothing was scanning into the database at all.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-28

If your files are on NAS and you have real time monitoring enabled, turn that off since most network file system protocols (SMB/NFS) don't support that and having it on can cause significant performance loss for file scans. If you are using TVDB as your primary or only metadata source, they rate limit requests significantly. Switch to TMDB. Their rate limit is much higher.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-28

All computers run Windows 10 and drives are SMB shares. All media is scraped and full metadata nfo and image files are saved in the local directories. The same process I've been using for Kodi for over a decade now. So there is no new scraping of metadata/images on the library re-scan after changing the drive share locations.

The issue now is the scans take forever and have found hidden/resource folders to scan and bring into the library which were not there before and do not affect a similar setup I worked on 6 months ago.

Even after changing the drive paths back to the original individual drive network locations in JF the scanning issue persisted and these invisible folders are showing up. That is how my JF library is currently setup and there are 7 invisible directories showing as empty TV shows in the library.

Outside of nuking this library and starting fresh I an not sure what else to do. Just very confused.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-28

I don't have access to my windows test instance at the moment. In one of the sub folders in C:\ProgramData\Jellyfin\Server there will be a directory with a bunch of folders that correspond to your libraries that contain *.mblink files. These mblink files contain the folder paths for your libraries. I've occasionally seen users remove a folder from a library in the UI but the mblink file did not update. I'm wondering if that is what is happening here.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-28

I found that folder (it's in root/default) and in the TV Shows there are multiple files that are all named strangely. one has the name of the final folder location for one drive of TV shows (that isn't one of the 10 problematic drives) and the rest are all 1, 11, 111, 1111 - 1111111111 for the 10 issue drives.

I checked the other instalation I did this setup in and each of the TV show drives has a corresponding file with the final folder name. No 1, 11, 111 etc.

Should I maybe go into the server, remove all the TV show sources, scan to see everything removed from the library and then check this directory to ensue all these files are deleted?

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-28

Probably a good idea to "reset" the library. Remove folders from the UI, ensure the mblink files are removed, scan the library. Start readding folders and rescan again.

RE: TV Shows Library Failing to Scan - KodiUser1138 - 2024-02-29

What I've been able to find through Google and such is these found.000 folders and Recovery folders are some part of Windows Checkdisk for damaged sectors or something. They are supposed to be visible from the root directory in Explorer and here are steps to take control of and delete them. However I can't see these in Explorer and any attempt to control them to delete them has failed.

I removed all TV Show sources and scanned the library, making sure the mblink files were also removed. I then added 1 TV Shows drive and it worked as I expected normally. It does not have any of the found/recovery folders. The second drive I want to add has 3 found plus a recovery folder and I've not attempted adding it yet as I got busy with another task and wanting to deal with these hidden folders first.

So that is where I am at, still frustrated, and slowly rebuilding my lost drive as my buddy's upload speed is disgustingly throttled and he won't call his ISP to resolve that.

Thanks for paying attention and offering help thus far. I'll keep plugging away.