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Jellyfin cant find my external drive - Printable Version

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Jellyfin cant find my external drive - 34626 - 2024-02-28

Server: Intel NUC N5105
Drives: 1 internal for system and 3 external
Using docker (docker-compose) with Jellyfin 10.8.13
OS: Debian 12 headless

I have untill recently used 2 external drives for my media, but now i have to add one more, but the problem is that it dosent show up in Jellyfin.

I have used:
added it to the docker-compose.yml file just as the other 2 external drives
Run following commands:
sudo chmod -R 777 parth-to-drive
sudo chown -R user:group path-to-drive
and restarter both Jellyfin (sudo docker-compose stop / start) and even the server.

But the third external drive dosent appear in Jellyfin when i wish to add a new library. I can see the drive in Debian, i can makefolders in it and so on, but Jellyfin cant see it.

I dont know what im doing wrong, it should be simple as the two earlier drives, but i just cant get Jellyfin to see/show it, so i hope for some suggestions for what to do?

RE: Jellyfin cant find my external drive - Serge K - 2024-02-28

if you can make folders and can see them in Debian - it means your disk in mounted.
Check the path where it mounted in file /etc/fstab
for instance mounted path is /srv/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/
make chmod -R 777 /srv/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/
must to work

RE: Jellyfin cant find my external drive - 34626 - 2024-02-28

I just tried to add another path to the docker-compose.yml file, but Jellyfin was either not able to see that..

RE: Jellyfin cant find my external drive - Serge K - 2024-02-28

The docker-compose.yml file is a Docker Compose file that will contain the instructions needed to start and configure the Jellyfin service.
So it is nesessary to install Jellyfin on your system. As i remember the pathes of your hdds must be setted in yml file
But I do not like jellyfin docker.
I use
command for jellyfin installation:
curl | sudo bash

what is the path you added in yml and check these pathes in fstab?

RE: Jellyfin cant find my external drive - 34626 - 2024-02-28

I think i got the problem, i havent made changes for my server in a while like this, so what helped was:

sudo docker-compose stop (as always)
But then i would launch it by:

sudo docker-compose start
This is where the issue was, because i had to use:

sudo docker-compose up -d