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Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - Printable Version

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Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - timeslip1974 - 2023-07-27

after spending hours updating all my artwork to what i like, ive come back an hour later and its defaulted back to the originally selected artwork!!!!

Changed a few back again, and again come back later and its undone all my changes........

RE: Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - TheDreadPirate - 2023-07-27

This is definitely not standard behavior. I've manually changed a handful of artworks and they haven't changed in the months since.

Can you give us some details about your setup? OS? Is docker involved? Is the library configured to save artwork in the same folder as the media? Does jellyfin have permission to write to your media folders?

RE: Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - timeslip1974 - 2023-07-27

Ubuntu with docker,and Jellyfin does have full perms - I hadnt configured it to save to the same folder so Ive changed to that, made a few changes and will see if that makes any difference....

RE: Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - TheDreadPirate - 2023-07-27

(2023-07-27, 03:13 PM)timeslip1974 Wrote: Ubuntu with docker,and Jellyfin does have full perms -  I hadnt configured it to save to the same folder so Ive changed to that, made a few changes and will see if that makes any difference....

For the record, I do NOT have mine configured to save artwork to the same folder as the media.  I was more curious as to whether you DID have it set but jellyfin didn't have write permissions.  But, enabling that may help with whatever is going on.

Having said that, this still shouldn't be happening even when you aren't saving artwork to the media folder.  Are there any errors or warnings in the logs that may hint at what is going on?

RE: Jellyfin defaulting to original Artwork - timeslip1974 - 2023-07-27

No Id never had mine on before as I like a tidy library - only seems to have occured since moving my docker config location from homedirectory to same drive asmy media, but cant see how that would be an issue since it has access to the drive anwyays - Well well see soon enough if it starts reverting artwok back!

-edit - for whatever reason that seems to have done it!