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SOLVED: Cant connect on devices - Printable Version

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Cant connect on devices - hobaghoe - 2024-03-10

Ive been using jellyfin smoothly for 3 months now but suddenly I cant access it on any of my devices.
I can access and see jellyfin from http://localhost:8096/web/index.html#!/home.html in my browser.
I just changed my wifi network on my windows 11 pc to private(idk how it was public and still working) and disabled my windows defender firewall but still cant connect.
Within the firewall settings, I can see that Jellyfin is listed for private and public network.
I have tried stopping and starting jellyfin but to no avail and whenever I click on open Jellyfin from the tray icon, it gives me unable to connect to on the web browser

Solved: somehow my ipv4 address changed and I can now connect to jellyfin on my devices again.