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Explain it to me like I'm 5: Set-up? Add Media? Host? - Printable Version

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Explain it to me like I'm 5: Set-up? Add Media? Host? - Sgtcampsalot - 2024-03-10

TLDR: Can someone please walk me through step-by-step how to turn on Jellyfin, and how to set it up? No acronyms, please?

I don't want to do Plex because I've read they're shifting hosting away from one's own home network.

1) On my laptop (Surface Pro 7), and I'm not understanding the options for adding media: the only folder options I'm seeing are highly technical folders like ($recycle$, Windows, Users, Program Files, etc).

2) Add Media Library: It won't let me add anything.
I select: Content Type: Music
Folder: it's blank, and doesn't do anything when I click on the magnifying glass symbol.
C:\ I know from childhood this means my hard drive, but how do I just get to my desktop?

It looks like a back-end developer page. When I select something it doesn't actually select a file, just a folder. But then it won't let me continue?

3) I finally figured out how to get to my music folder: "MUSIC LIBRARY" but then how do I actually access the files?

4) Finally: how do I choose a "Host"? The list is blank. I feel in over my head here.


The last time I was a computer wiz, I was in elementary school in the 90s, hacking my Dad's PC.

Now, I only understand how to pay for a VPN, and use things like uT0rr3nt.

RE: Explain it to me like I'm 5: Set-up? Add Media? Host? - Tim - 2024-03-10

It would be a good start to read on the basics of your operating system, how to use it, and then how to run software and after that what media files are.

Once you understand the basics of using your operating system, you could give the following a watch for Jellyfin.
This video (I have not fully watched it) might be a good starting point.

RE: Explain it to me like I'm 5: Set-up? Add Media? Host? - Sgtcampsalot - 2024-03-10

Thanks for the advice. I guess when I ended up in the deep end today I forgot how to start researching the very basics. Appreciated