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Need help to install Jellyfin on my AS-604T - Printable Version

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Need help to install Jellyfin on my AS-604T - ArianStellar - 2024-03-11

I just got a NAS yesterday and i wanted to install jellyfin on it. It is an asustorĀ AS-604T running on AMD versionĀ 3.5.9.RWM1 and the BIOS version is 1.08 . I went to the app central but Jellyfin isn't available on this version of AMD so i wasn't able to install it. I then tried to install Devian 8 from the app Linux center but it doesn't want to start, i'm just stuck with the button "start" after downloading Devian. I also tried to use SSH by following tutorials online but it require to have Docker installed and i don't know how to install it... I never used a NAS before so i don't know how things work, i would really need help. I'm sorry if i don't understand many things or ask how to install them. Btw sorry if i mispelled some things, english is not my first language.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Need help to install Jellyfin on my AS-604T - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-11

If the NAS can't run docker, it will be difficult to provide any support since I'm not aware of any of the devs and mods having an Asustor NAS. Nor do we have any documentation because of that.

Do you happen to have an old PC or laptop that you could run Jellyfin on? And just have your NAS be a NAS?

RE: Need help to install Jellyfin on my AS-604T - ArianStellar - 2024-03-11

No i don't think i have though i don't know if my NAS can run Docker or not