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SOLVED: 'Secure Connection Failed' - Printable Version

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'Secure Connection Failed' - thedailyflannel - 2024-03-11

I'm so frazzled. Forgive me if this is some simple fix, but I've changed reverse proxies, downloaded and undownloaded software, I've gone through half a dozen guides, and I'm just absolutely lost. I'm brand-new to servers, coding, and everything else with this dynamic. I'm literally ready to beg because I've been fighting this for four days now and I can't get this to work.

1. To start- Jellyfin and Nginx are both being run through Docker on a Windows server setup.

2. I have a domain. through Dynu. I set that up with Nginx Proxy Manager and got an SSL. As far as I can tell, that should be fine now. On Nginx, my domain name is filled out, scheme is http, Forward Hostname / IP* is filled out with my again, and forward port is to the Jellyfin public port from its Network tab.

3. When I try to go to my domain, it says 'secure connection failed, An error occurred during a connection to SSL peer has no certificate for the requested DNS name.'

4. As far as I can tell, maybe the issue is that I need to hit the 'enable https' option in the Jellyfin settings and then fill out the HTTPS section with the certificate path and password? But for the love of humanity and my soul, how? I've downloaded Git and tried to follow someone's guide there on using openssl, but just got errors. (Namely that there is no openssl.)

I don't know if my Jellyfin settings are wrong, my Nginx is wrong, or some chaotic mash of both. Or maybe I need to fill out the Jellyfin 'Published Server URI's' section?
Please take pity on me before I explode. Exploding-head  I keep tweaking and trying new solutions, but so far I've gotten absolutely nowhere and my brain is so fried from reading all these guides and trying all these commands that I can't even tell what I have or haven't tried anymore.

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-11

Enabling HTTPS in jellyfin is not necessary and discouraged.

Can you share screenshots of the Nginx control panel for Jellyfin? Censor your domain name. Also, we updated our Nginx Proxy Manager documentation recently.

Double check what you did against it.

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - thedailyflannel - 2024-03-11

Hello! Yeah, the settings for Nginx are exactly as they are in that guide. All four options are enabled on the SSL and I input the optional configuration as well. As for the screenshots, I'll add those here.

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-11

The forward port should be 8096.

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - thedailyflannel - 2024-03-11

I had high hopes that it was truly such a simple fix, but it still gives me the same secure error message that it has been. T_T

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-11

Also just occurred to me. The forward hostname/IP shouldn't be your domain. It needs to be either the local host or the local IP of jellyfin.

RE: 'Secure Connection Failed' - thedailyflannel - 2024-03-11

Ha! That did it. I put in my computer's static IP and it looks like it's working now. Thank you!