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Metadata Refresh failing - Printable Version

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Metadata Refresh failing - KodiUser1138 - 2024-03-11

I had to rebuild my Windows 10 machine hosting my JF server. After doing so an add behavior has begun. For anything added to the server pre rebuild I can no longer update the metadata with a refresh. All media in my library has local metadata files (nfo, artwork etc). After the Oscars last night I updated all the winners into the NFO files for those films but JF will not re-scan these changes and update the server library which then pushes to my Kodi clients.

I know the updates have worked properly because the same NFO files copied to an offsite library have updated properly in that JF instance. So wondering what/where I've messed something up?

RE: Metadata Refresh failing - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-12

You will have to take ownership of the drive/files/folder that you had before. Even if your username is the same, something something different UID. I've always had to "reclaim" my files on secondary drives whenever I've reinstalled Windows.

RE: Metadata Refresh failing - KodiUser1138 - 2024-03-12

I've been looking into how to do that but thus far it doesn't seem to work. I have access to all network drives, can copy, move, edit files to/from them. Anything new I add to the network can be edited after adding to JF and those edits appear. It's only entries into the server database from before I did the Win10 rebuild on my server machine. And JF itself isn't doing anything to these files, only reading the manual updates, new artwork etc.

I feel like I've solved this issue before but my memory after my concussion has gaps and I can't find the notes and bread crumbs I would have left myself then. Something in the ProgramData with the sources or something. Nothing jumps out as the solution though.

RE: Metadata Refresh failing - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-13

Is this a network share or local drive?

RE: Metadata Refresh failing - KodiUser1138 - 2024-03-13

All are network shares with full access to read, edit and so on. Anything new added to the JF library can be edited manually and rescanned by JF which will reflect the changes. Anything that was in the library before the rebuild (and come to think of it a few things there were added after) won't update when rescanned.

Example, added tags to Oppenheimer after the Oscars for my custom awards section in Kodi. Those changes do not rescan into JF. Just added The Nest before editing the KFO. Made the NFO tag entries I wanted and those rescanned into JF. Made another change to the NFL and again JF rescanned and reflected.

Figuring to just rebuilt the whole library at this point. Ugh. But could be worse.

RE: Metadata Refresh failing - KodiUser1138 - 2024-03-13

What ever the issue, I did a test with one smaller section of my library and now anything added can be edited outside JF and a rescan will reflect the changes in JF. At this point I'm just spinning wheels while doing a full library rebuild will take less time. Just strange behavior overall. Next time I hope to find this bread crumb and start over quicker.