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Missing Episodes From Different Seasons - Printable Version

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Missing Episodes From Different Seasons - FJelly - 2024-03-13


I'm currently having problems with Jellyfin incorrectly identifying episodes missing in seasons.
Currently it's picking up episodes in other seasons & saying they are "missing".

E.g in See or Foundation, episodes from S2 are being identified as "missing" in S1 and vice versa.
The episodes belonging to S1 are being identified in S1 perfectly - I'm using the recommended naming scheme, but it's just adding in other seasons episodes.

Has any one else had this problem and/or know how I might fix this, short of turning off "display missing episodes"?

Screenshot examples below.

Thank you

RE: Missing Episodes From Different Seasons - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-13

This is a pretty common issues with the missing episodes feature.

AFAIK, the only way to fix it is to remove the season or show from your library, scan, readd, scan. Or disable it altogether.

RE: Missing Episodes From Different Seasons - FJelly - 2024-03-14

(2024-03-13, 06:07 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: This is a pretty common issues with the missing episodes feature.

AFAIK, the only way to fix it is to remove the season or show from your library, scan, readd, scan.  Or disable it altogether.

Damn, that sucks. I guess i'll just turn it off. Hopefully it can get patched but IDK anything about coding so i'm no help unfortunately.