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Transcoding intermittent issue - Printable Version

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Transcoding intermittent issue - Hemz - 2023-07-29

I've been having this issue since I got transcoding working.
It works great for anywhere from 1-5 days but then requires a re-boot before it transcodes anymore. 
My users tell me that usually working h264 content gives them a playback error or source error and when I check the FFMPEG logs it says this CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected. 
I restart the Jellyfin yaml and woolah it's all functional again until it's not.

I've read on other threads that something like this will work in the grub config on proxmox. 

This line has been added/edited in my /etc/default/grub file:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"

I haven't changed that yet and mine currently says this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction nofb nomodeset video=vesafbFace-with-open-mouthff,efifbFace-with-open-mouthff"

Can anyone that knows what is going throw their 2 cents in.

My hardware is an intel cpu and nvidia p2000 gpu dedicated purely for transcoding and has nothing connected to the outputs of it. 

Cheers legends

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - TheDreadPirate - 2023-07-29

Does this issue sound like yours? Some people in the comments had some success changing their setup a bit.

Let us know if any of the suggestions in the git issue work for you.

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - Hemz - 2023-08-02

I have changed the grub cmd line to start with and it seems to have worked since I made the post until now.....will try your reply if that doesn't work. Smiling-face

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - Hemz - 2023-10-16

I've still been having issues with this unfortunately.

It's intermittent as per the other symptoms and it is only fixed when I restart the server.

Anyone have an answer?

Jellyfin log throwing this line

cu->cuInit(0) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected

When I restart it works as per normal!

So frustrating.

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-16

IMO, this doesn't sound like a software problem. Perhaps its a physical problem. Try re-seating the GPU in its slot. Many frustrating problems I had were resolved by reseating a CPU, RAM stick, GPU, power connectors.

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - unicron_au - 2024-05-24

Sorry this is such a late reply but did you ever resolve this?
I'm seeing similar behaviour in my Jellyfin LXC on a Proxmox host with GPU passthrough. GPU (nVidia GTX1* something) works great for transcoding for a while, the next day I try to play something and i get a failure message. Direct play content with no transcoding is working fine.

If i reboot the Jellyfin server, transcoding works again.

I am thinking of setting a nightly reboot schedule (with Cron maybe? or can Proxmox trigger this?) but that's not really "fixing" the problem.

How do i check the ffmpeg logs?

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-24

You'd probably have more luck searching through your system logs for the host instead of Jellyfin's ffmpeg logs. Jellyfin would likely only say that permission to access the GPU was denied or that there is no valid Nvidia GPU available. Not necessarily why.

Does Nvidia have its own service or something? It sounds like a race condition where something Nvidia related isn't available before your LXC starts.

RE: Transcoding intermittent issue - Mel_Gibson_Real - 2024-05-24

I had similar issues with my old P400, it would randomly become unavailable. This was on VMs and LXCs with jellyfin installed, and through a reinstall of proxmox and multiple updates. Im sure its possibly a driver or hardware issue with older nvidia cards.