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Jellyfin suddenly shuts down on start - Printable Version

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Jellyfin suddenly shuts down on start - Leafies121 - 2024-03-22

so i love my jellyfin server, family and friends use it we use it at home a lot too. but suddenly today we had no access to the server, thought well thats weird and restarted server pc, tried restarting jf a few times and even tried updating jf but it still kills its self right after starting.

heres the log below 

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RE: Jellyfin suddenly shuts down on start - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-03-22

(2024-03-22, 02:47 AM)Leafies121 Wrote: Full: SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: database or disk is full
From your log, this would indicate that you have some disk issue where your Jellyfin database is located.

Is the drive where you have your Jellyfin config folder located full or near its max capacity? If not, maybe it's a permissions issue if you were messing around with those around the config folder.

Another thought, do you have your transcode folder set to the same location as the config folder? As clients fill up the transcode folder with transcoded videos, this could be making the drive reach max capacity leaving the database with not enough free space to operate.
Same thing could apply for the cache folder if it's getting big enough.