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Trash guides and Tailscale together with Unraid? - Printable Version

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Trash guides and Tailscale together with Unraid? - Avatar3379 - 2024-03-22

Hi, i'm going to use this guide to setup my server and then the Tailscale plugin to get remote access. My question is if I should replace all the ip addresses in that guide with tailscales ip/port in for example the setup for jellyseerr or if I should still use unraids ip/port?

RE: Trash guides and Tailscale together with Unraid? - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-03-22

This question would be better answered if you asked over on the Unraid or Tailscale subreddits.

I would say try both. If one doesn't work, switch to using the other.

RE: Trash guides and Tailscale together with Unraid? - nibbles - 2024-03-22

Where is Jellyseer located? If it's on Unraid, you'd be best to use the Unraid IP/container names if they are on the same custom docker network.
If they aren't on the same machine, use the tailscale IP.

RE: Trash guides and Tailscale together with Unraid? - Avatar3379 - 2024-03-23

@nibbles Yep, jellyseerr and the other services will be on the same unraid machine with the same docker network. Thx for the help