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how to disable web image fetching from NFO files? - Printable Version

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how to disable web image fetching from NFO files? - BillyTheBlob - 2023-08-02

Hello im looking for a way to disable web image fetching from NFO files, i've turned off all the image fetching settings for the libarary but jellyfin still tries to fetch image link that's in the NFO file.

RE: how to disable web image fetching from NFO files? - 5197799 - 2023-08-02

Inside those NFO files, there are links to those unwanted images Jellyfin is fetching. Delete those links, problem solved.

RE: how to disable web image fetching from NFO files? - BillyTheBlob - 2023-08-02

The issue is that sonarr and radarr adds those links when you have them create metadata. is there no way to disable it on jellyfin?