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Jellyfin Docker Backup Without Metadata - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Docker Backup Without Metadata - Aaditya Joshi - 2024-04-23

I am running jellyfin in a docker container. I want to backup the config folder but not any metadata.
I am looking to backup my favourites, watched, users, installed plugins and their config (webhooks).
I have a system where I backup other docker volumes daily in a tar file.
Can someone please help me with which folders to exclude from my config folder so as to not have any metadata but other things that I mentioned above.
I have attached some folder structures below if that helps:

Contents of config folder:
branding.xml  data  encoding.xml  logging.default.json  network.xml  users

cache        dlna  log          migrations.xml        system.xml

Contents of config/data folder:
data  metadata  plugins  root  transcodes

Thanks in advance.

RE: Jellyfin Docker Backup Without Metadata - TheDreadPirate - 2024-04-23

Backup everything except /config/data/metadata and /config/cache.