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Swiftin TVOS thumb image - Printable Version

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Swiftin TVOS thumb image - whatsthistv - 2023-08-02


Swiftin on appletvOS shows when on the homescreen of swiftin a carousel of images that are taken from the continue watch list below the carousel.
Now the carousel displays the Thumb image and not the background image from the movie. On a 4k tv this looks like a crappy upscaled image then.

Is there a way to have it displayed the hires background version or change the thumb image restriction of 1000x552?

Many thanks

RE: Swiftin TVOS thumb image - whatsthistv - 2023-08-03

Hi Just resolved the issue at least for me, For anyone interested; you have to change manually the landscape image in each movie folder with a hires version. for me in copy the backdrop1 image and rename it to landscape. It will show up in Jellyfin still as the 1000x552 image but the swiftin for Apple TV displays the full hi res version on the Home Screen for continue watching.

because I do not use banners I dunno if it have effect on banner view...