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Networking - Printable Version

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Networking - amtra - 2024-04-29

I need to run both Emby and jellyfin on docker. I want emby to run on 8096 and jellyfin to run on 8097.

So what i did is first I created emby container with 8096:8096 and it works fine.

Now I stopped emby container and created jellyfin container with 8097:8096 I can't access the interface.

Again I spinned up jellyfin container with 8096:8096 and changed port on network settings inside jellyfin. After restart container same I can't access interface.

So any idea what I'm doing wrong.

RE: Networking - Serge K - 2024-04-29

After the port has been changed in Dashboard - Networking (for example to port 8099) - run the following command

systemctl restart jellyfin
