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Folders - Printable Version

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Folders - knifey - 2024-05-02

I enabled the settings:

Libraries > Display
[option] Display a folder view to show plain media folders
Display folders alongside your other media libraries. This can be useful if you'd like to have a plain folder view.

It was working, when I went to view content I could click on folders, then to the show (series name), and it would show each season in its own image with the name of the season, just like the folder view on the hard drive. I've done a few things since then and installed some plugins. Now it just doesn't work and I'm not sure if the plugins had anything to do with it. When I click on folders, then on the name of the show, it just shows the out of order jumble of episodes in a the mental order it usually does by default. aka, no rhyme or earthly discernible reason.

So it was working, and then it just stopped. But it still has "Folders" as an option, it seemingly does nothing. i tried to disable, reboot the server, and enable it again. It still seems to have no effect. I thought it was the skin at first but I disabled the skin and it didn't seem to do anything.

I guess I will go through the plugins and disable them until I get it working.

RE: Folders - knifey - 2024-05-04

Sorry anybody in the future, I couldn't work out how to make it start working again. Jellyfin is unusable for me. I will go back to i guess and check back in on jellyfin in a few months.