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Full Screen Music Blur/Gray Out - Printable Version

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Full Screen Music Blur/Gray Out - ReCharred - 2024-05-07

When listening to and watching full-screen music playback via the Jellyfin Android TV app (0.16.10) on my Android TV, the background is a picture of the artist(s) or a generic image if artwork in not available.  The screen includes album cover art, artist and song names, various music control buttons, under a progress bar, and the current music queue--at least the beginning of it.  After 5 minutes of no input to the TV, the background blurs or grays out leaving a smaller album cover art square, some song/artist info, a progress bar with no music control buttons, and the background picture completely blurred or grayed out.  Is there a way to change time it takes to blur/gray out?  Or is there a way to make it not blur/gray out at all?
A press of the enter button on the remote "wakes" the background displaying the full-screen picture of the artist(s) and allows on screen button presses again, but I don't want to have to keep waking up the background to see it; I just want it to stay on, or at least stay on longer than 5 minutes.
The TV screen saver is set to 60 minutes.
Thank you.

If it makes a difference, I'm running Jellyfin media server (10.8.12) out of a docker container on a 64bit Linux box with Ubuntu OS.

RE: Full Screen Music Blur/Gray Out - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-07

I'll get back to you when I get home. I'll poke around the Android TV settings and see if there is one. But at the moment I don't recall seeing one.

RE: Full Screen Music Blur/Gray Out - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-07

Settings > Customization

There is a setting for when the JF screensaver starts (5 mins by default).

RE: Full Screen Music Blur/Gray Out - ReCharred - 2024-05-08

Thank you so much!  Found it.  Apparently when I checked "settings," before, I was on the Playlists page and the settings icon from there only opens "Display Preferences" (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it).  I appreciate your figuring that out.  Smooth sailing.