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Behavior of Collections in Movies vs Shows - Printable Version

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Behavior of Collections in Movies vs Shows - malebron - 2024-05-08

I have found that "Collections" seem to behave differently depending whether the top folder type is Movies or TV Shows.

If, within "Movies" I make a collection called "Music Movies", for example, the collection is displayed in the Movies library (replacing the individual movies) and I can click on the collection to see all the movies I chose to group together. Perfect! 
(It does create another top level folder called Collections which I'd rather not see, but that's a minor nuisance. Maybe there's a way to hide that.)

In contrast, if I do the same thing in my "Documentaries" folder (TV show type) and create a collection called "Cosmology", for example, this collection ONLY shows up in the Collections folder. In the "Documentaries" folder all my Cosmology documentaries are still listed individually, mixed among the rest, as before.

Ideally I would like Collections to work consistently the same way with TV Shows as it does under Movies. Is this possible?

RE: Behavior of Collections in Movies vs Shows - malebron - 2024-05-10

Update: Under Dashboard => Libraries => Display is the magic checkbox: "Group movies into collections: Movies in collections will be displayed as one grouped item when displaying movie lists."

Notice it explicitly says "Movies".

If I create a collection containing a mix of (what Jellyfin identifies as) movies and TV Shows, the collection is shown in the top level folder, but any TV Shows in the collection are listed BOTH inside the collection AND at the top level (movies in the collection are shown only inside the collection). If the collection contains ONLY TV shows, the collection will not be listed at the top level at all (only in the collections folder).

This makes no sense to me. Is there an equivalent checkbox for TV shows somewhere? If not what on earth is the logic behind this?

Anyone know if Plex does the same thing?