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Jellyfin Can't see my media Ubuntu - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Can't see my media Ubuntu - NewServer404 - 2024-05-12

Ubuntu 22.04

I had my server running for months without issue. I had an issue rebuilding my RAID5, and it was easier to just do a clean install and go from there. Now, not matter what I try I can't get Jellyfin to see my media. 

Filesystem    Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda      ext4  3.6T  3.2T  215G  94% /media/(MYUSER)/4TB

File Path: /media/(MYUSER)/4TB/aetherdrive2.0

Current Settings: drwxr-xr-x 8 (MYUSER) (MYUSER) 4096 May  6 09:58

id jellyfin

uid=129(jellyfin) gid=137(jellyfin) groups=137(jellyfin),0(root),44(video),110(render),1000(MYUSER),1001(media)

As you can see, i've gone as far as adding it it to the Root user group.
I'm at my wit's end (and that wit might be limited to begin with.) I've read every thread, tried every chown and chmod.

This is my family's only source of media and my wife would love family movie night on mothers day.

Thanks in advance

It should be notes that it was literally working last night as well after struggling all day to get it up and running. Can't be sure of what i did, and what changed while everyone was asleep. The drive got unmounted somehow, and then jellyfin stopped working after a reboot.

RE: Jellyfin Can't see my media Ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-13

What is the output of

ls -ld /media /media/MYUSER /media/MYUSER/4TB /media/MYUSER/4TB/aetherdrive2.0