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Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - Printable Version

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Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - Palim - 2024-05-13


I hope this is the correct section, if not please move.

After updating to Jellyfin 10.9 and later to 10.9.1 my KodiSyncQueue plugin isn't working any more. It is updated to

Every time I mark a media in Kodi as seen or unseen (some change), I get exactly this error message:

jellyfin  | [20:54:56] [INF] [81] Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.UserSyncNotification: Started user data sync
jellyfin  | [20:54:56] [ERR] [81] Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.UserSyncNotification: An error has occurred in UserUpdateTimerCallback
jellyfin  | System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
jellyfin  | Object name: 'System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim'.
jellyfin  |    at System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterReadLockCore(TimeoutTracker timeout)
jellyfin  |    at LiteDB.Engine.LockService.EnterTransaction()
jellyfin  |    at LiteDB.Engine.TransactionMonitor.GetTransaction(Boolean create, Boolean queryOnly, Boolean& isNew)
jellyfin  |    at LiteDB.Engine.QueryExecutor.ExecuteQuery(Boolean executionPlan)
jellyfin  |    at LiteDB.Engine.LiteEngine.Query(String collection, Query query)
jellyfin  |    at LiteDB.LiteQueryable`1.ToDocuments()+MoveNext()
jellyfin  |    at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
jellyfin  |    at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
jellyfin  |    at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.Data.DbRepo.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<SetUserInfoSync>b__0(UserItemDataDto dto)
jellyfin  |    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
jellyfin  |    at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.Data.DbRepo.SetUserInfoSync(List`1 dtos, List`1 itemRefs, String userId)
jellyfin  |    at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.UserSyncNotification.SaveUserChanges(List`1 dtos, List`1 itemRefs, String userName, String userId)
jellyfin  |    at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.UserSyncNotification.SendNotifications(IEnumerable`1 changes, List`1 itemRefs, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
jellyfin  |    at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.UserSyncNotification.UpdateTimerCallback(Object state)

I completely reinstalled two Kodi (LibreELEC) instances (newest version 12.0 - Kodi 21) from scratch and it doesn't work either.

If you need further info I will try to provide.

Can anyone help me please? Thanks a lot in advance!

Kind regards

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - MisterMcDuck - 2024-05-13

I'd recommend posting this as an Issue at

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - underdog - 2024-05-13

Do you use in kodi-addon "native path" or "addon"?

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - MisterMcDuck - 2024-05-14

I can confirm I am receiving the same error as Palim in my own instance. I also saw a similar error with a different stack trace:
[23:50:35] [ERR] [148] Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.LibrarySyncNotification: An error has occurred in LibraryUpdateTimerCallback
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim'.
  at System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterReadLockCore(TimeoutTracker timeout)
  at LiteDB.Engine.LockService.EnterTransaction()
  at LiteDB.Engine.TransactionMonitor.GetTransaction(Boolean create, Boolean queryOnly, Boolean& isNew)
  at LiteDB.Engine.QueryExecutor.ExecuteQuery(Boolean executionPlan)
  at LiteDB.Engine.LiteEngine.Query(String collection, Query query)
  at LiteDB.LiteQueryable`1.ToDocuments()+MoveNext()
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.Data.DbRepo.WriteLibrarySync(IEnumerable`1 items, ItemStatus status)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.LibrarySyncNotification.UpdateLibrary(IReadOnlyCollection`1 items, ItemStatus status)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.LibrarySyncNotification.PushChangesToDb(IReadOnlyCollection`1 itemsAdded, IReadOnlyCollection`1 itemsUpdated, IReadOnlyCollection`1 itemsRemoved)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue.EntryPoints.LibrarySyncNotification.LibraryUpdateTimerCallback(Object state)

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - qwerty12 - 2024-05-14

I'm also seeing the same thing. This seems to be a problem with the latest version of the database library the plugin is using rather than there being anything wrong with the Kodi Sync Queue plugin itself. See While not the same error, it seems to be in the same ballpark.

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - MisterMcDuck - 2024-05-14

Nice catch. I'm building the plugin using LiteDB 5.0.17 and will test locally. If it fixes the errors I will submit a PR to fix this.

Update: watched 4 episodes with no exceptions, will test a bit more tomorrow but it's looking good.

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - Palim - 2024-05-14

Thanks for your help.

@underdog: I am using "Addon"

@MisterMcDuck: That sounds fantastic! I hope there will be an update in the next time...

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - underdog - 2024-05-14

Now I finally know why my watched-status works despite the errors in the logs. Since I am the only user in our group with a kodi client, I have saved the watched-status for myself in the .nfo files.

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - Oddstr13 - 2024-05-14

For tracking this particular error on GitHub, please use #84

It is likely related to #83, but I don't think it's the exact same (upstream) issue.

RE: Error in KodiQueuePlugin after Update to 10.9[.1] - axionman - 2024-05-15

Issue has been fixed at my side after updating Kodi Sync Queue extension to