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Only a handful of movies show up for users - Printable Version

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Only a handful of movies show up for users - troothdotcom - 2024-05-14

I am running Jellyfin 10.9 on the lastest Ubuntu Server OS and it's installed bare metal. 

I updated Jellyfin yesterday and since then some of the people using my server on an Iphone can only see 14 movies in the movies section that holds over 1,500 but can see all the movies in the Kids section. I already restarted my server, made sure they had access to all the movies and had them update had them update their app and it didn't help. Anyone else experiencing this or know why it's happening or how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Only a handful of movies show up for users - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

Can you share your full jellyfin log via pastebin?