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Live TV Schedule Recording - Printable Version

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Live TV Schedule Recording - williamthrilliam - 2024-05-15


After upgrading to the latest server 10.9.1 on Ubuntu 24.04, live TV series stopped recording and can't schedule new recordings. Logs say the following:

[2024-05-14 21:50:12.623 -05:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL "POST" "/LiveTv/SeriesTimers".
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/var/lib/jellyfin/data/livetv' is denied.
---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied

I've re-applied ownership by: 
sudo chown -R jellyfin:jellyfin /var/lib/jellyfin

I've rebooted and I have the same error when scheduling recordings. 

Permissions of the directory in question:

sudo ls -la /var/lib/jellyfin/data/livetv
total 172
drwxr-xr-x 2 jellyfin jellyfin  4096 Feb 11 18:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 jellyfin jellyfin  4096 May 14 21:54 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 jellyfin jellyfin  5129 May 14 21:50 seriestimers.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 jellyfin jellyfin 159458 May 13 19:00 timers.json

Any ideas on how I proceed?

RE: Live TV Schedule Recording - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-15

There is a known bug with 10.9 and recordings.

RE: Live TV Schedule Recording - paulc - 2024-05-15

(2024-05-15, 03:18 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: There is a known bug with 10.9 and recordings.

Right now, I found a work-around. Delete the data/livetv folder.  Create a series recording. Run a guide update. It will create a livetv text file and update scheduled recordings.  At least that seems to be working for me.

Glad they have a pending PR for this! Good news.

Fixed in version 10.9.2 which notification came as soon as I replied above.