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Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Printable Version

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Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Noneuclidery - 2024-05-16

The official ArchLinux package for jellyfin-server (and jellyfin-ffmpeg and jellyfin-web) haven't been updated since the release of the new version, but releases of the media player have, leading to the blank homepage issue for anyone attempting to access my server. Are these going to be updated soon?

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - mcarlton00 - 2024-05-16

We have no input over what happens with the arch packages. We provide builds for debian/ubuntu, docker, windows, and macos. Anything else is supported by the community. So unfortunately it's not up to us when arch will get updated.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Host-in-the-Shell - 2024-05-16

I'd also like to add that the Jellyfin Media Player on Arch is an AUR package, and is not provided by their official packagers; this is why it was updated to the latest release despite the server, web and ffmpeg core being outdated.

As for when it will be available on the Arch side, please consider refraining from posting that question over at their forums, since they'll lock and bin it due to a rule they have that packages will release "when they are ready", and therefore it is discouraged to create topics asking about this. The maintainer in question oversees over 500 packages and could be out on vacation, solving some personal problems or simply busy; since it's volunteer work, some leeway is at hand.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Fate - 2024-05-16

I have compiled the jellyfin-server 10.9.1 for arch. It a about 1-2 hours of work to align the arch specific changes again. (prob <30min for a experienced packager)

I can provide updated patched if needed.
Problem that is "soft"depends on jellyfin-web. I'll try to also compile that later today.

I could also provide the compiled .pkg, I don't know if that is acceptable here. ( generally you should never install .pkg from 3rd party sources)
I'll recompile jellyfin-web then try updating my own 10.8.13 with that package and if everything works put it up here if no one from the staff objects.

Edit: jellyfin-web is really easy to recompile, nearly no changes needed
I'll put up a guide for arch users the next days.... testing right now.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Host-in-the-Shell - 2024-05-16

Isn't there a -git package on the AUR? If so, that would directly build from source and may be easier to manage and update. That said, I'm not that familiar with hosting Jellyfin under Arch: although I run it on my desktop and laptop, all my servers (including the one I host Jellyfin at) use Debian, so not sure if that would cause any problems.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - mcarlton00 - 2024-05-16

It depends on what branch the -git packages target. I would assume they're pointing at the master branch, while 10.9 is on a separate release branch.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Fate - 2024-05-16

yeah there is, I ran it for half a year but it had a lot of issues. I don't recommend it unless you really want to test it.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Fate - 2024-05-19

Here is a guide and precompiled builds. I tested the whole weekend so most stuff should work.
Still use at your own risk.

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Noneuclidery - 2024-05-20

Ah, thanks for explaining. I assumed that since the server download page said "official" on the Arch package link, it was under the control of the Jellyfin team, but that was just an assumption.

(I would have responded sooner, but it didn't email me when I got replies like I thought it would. I've prolly missed a setting somewhere. <_<; )

RE: Official ArchLinux package out of date? - Petewhner51 - 2024-05-20

I'd like to add that the Jellyfin Media Player on Arch is available as an AUR package and is not maintained by the official packagers. This is why it was updated to the latest release, even though the server, web, and ffmpeg core components are outdated.