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SOLVED: Systemctl failure - Printable Version

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Systemctl failure - kavkya - 2024-05-16

Hello, I am trying to run jellyfin on Ubuntu jammy. Immediately After installing jellyfin I am getting this systemctl error:
× jellyfin.service - Jellyfin Media Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/jellyfin.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/jellyfin.service.d
Active: failed (Result: resources) since Thu 2024-05-16 18:44:35 EDT; 17s ago
CPU: 0

May 16 18:44:35 localhost systemd[1]: jellyfin.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
May 16 18:44:35 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped Jellyfin Media Server.
May 16 18:44:35 localhost systemd[1]: jellyfin.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 16 18:44:35 localhost systemd[1]: jellyfin.service: Failed with result 'resources'.
May 16 18:44:35 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Jellyfin Media Server.

[Image: rMeOYbU.png]

I am really unsure of what to do next. I have 200 GB available space, and I have 10 GB available ram. Even then It shows this error. What should I do?
[Image: mdB4D0s.png]
[Image: pSosiuc.png]

RE: Systemctl failure - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-16

Shot in the dark. Are you running Emby? If so, that uses the same port as Jellyfin and Jellyfin can't start.

If not, run this command to get more info.

sudo journalctl -u jellyfin

This will put you in a text editor like interface for Jellyfin's logs. Press shift+g to go to the bottom. Copy and paste the last ~100 lines into pastebin then share the link.

RE: Systemctl failure - kavkya - 2024-05-16

Thank you for your reply. Journalctl gave me a lot of information that I did not realize was relevant here. I had a previous installation of jellyfin, that I had screwed up a long time ago. In the meanwhile I pretty much stopped using it too because I had storage issues. One of my hard drives failed. So I tried to reset everything I could, I removed every single folder called jellyfin from my disk, uninstall and reinstalled it as well. It seems that I was unable to remove some files, because it kept looking for the old media directory I had which no longer exists. On top of that I think there are some other issues too. Here are the last few different errors I could find:

This was the error I was seeing on the beginning lines of journalctl:

This is also some error I was randomly reading through:

I apologize for giving you so much stuff to read, I dont understand a lot of what is exactly going on here. I am not a very advanced user, I apologize if I am making a dumb mistake here.

RE: Systemctl failure - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-16

First, going back to your old log, looks like you were trying to host your media in your home directory. Don't do that. A) the jellyfin user doesn't have permissions to read your home directory and B) you should never make changes to give ANY other user permissions to read your home directory. If you have files that a service user needs, move it somewhere else like /media or something.

Just pointing that out so you don't make the same mistake after we get you sorted out.

As for the current problem, it looks like you have leftover files. If you don't have reason to keep the old jellyfin files and configs, lets do a clean slate. Follow these directions if you are ok with that. This will involve uninstalling Jellyfin to make sure file permissions are reset.

sudo apt purge jellyfin*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/jellyfin /var/log/jellyfin /etc/jellyfin /var/cache/jellyfin
curl | sudo bash

That should set you up with a fresh install.

RE: Systemctl failure - kavkya - 2024-05-17

Hey, I really appreciate you helpng me out. The only problem is that this is not fully cleaning up my install for some reason. after all the installation I even did this command:

sudo find / -type f -name '*jellyfin*' -exec rm -r {} +

to remove all files and similarly folders as well.  Anyway, it does startup now, but it looks like there's some issue I am still facing because this is what I see at my localhost screen:

[Image: 7n1iexA.png]

If I try to connect to one of them, I am met with this screen:
[Image: F2oJVit.png]
"We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again."

Could it be that there are config files still left or something? Here is the journalctl log:

Once again, thanks a lot for your help

RE: Systemctl failure - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-17

Clear your browser cache. Jellyfin-web caches aggressively in your browser. Setting up a new server, even on the same machine, generates new UUIDs and other things.

Clearing your browser cache should resolve this.

RE: Systemctl failure - kavkya - 2024-05-17

Everthing has been fixed.. Thanks!