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Recognizing Music Albums - Printable Version

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Recognizing Music Albums - carsten schmidt - 2024-05-20

Hi Guys,

Since a while there is something terrible wrong with Recognizing of Music Albums here at my side. (maybe already since version 10.9, but at least since 10.9.1 and 10.9.2)

I'm running Jellyfin 10.9.2 on Truenas Scale as server and Jellyfin client on Nvidia Shield, this setup I do since long time already and so far without such kind of behaviors.

All my Albums is perfectly organized as subfolders under artist names. The strange behavior I have now is as soon as I add a new album into its artis folder on the server it doesn't show up under artists in Jellyfin.
The added album shows up on the frontpage as "newly added in music albums" and I can also play it from there, but it is missing in the artist folder itself.

So where does the album then go...???
I have added several new albums to different existing artist folders on my server and all show same behavior.

Do anyone else see same behaviors, and is it a known issue...???


RE: Recognizing Music Albums - EliteAlien - 2024-05-20

(2024-05-20, 08:37 AM)carsten schmidt Wrote: So where does the album then go...???
I have added several new albums to different existing artist folders on my server and all show same behavior.
Do anyone else see same behaviors, and is it a known issue...???
On the albums page the link for the artist, is it there? If so where does it lead and where does the metadata edit's path lead you to? Does it match up with what the folder name you have setup? If it's different it could be the internal metadata of the MP3, OGG, Flac, et cetera throwing it elsewhere. Also, what music scraper(s) are you using? Only MusicBrainz or are you using Discogs, or something like the audiodb plugins?