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How to Unmap LiveTV Channels - Printable Version

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How to Unmap LiveTV Channels - Dleewee - 2024-05-22

I found the solution to this question on a couple of other sites/forums and feel there should be a guide here as well specific to Jellyfin! Credit goes to those original posters.

At this time if you map a Live TV channel to a guide source there is no way in the UI to remove/clear a mapping. You can reassign an existing mapping within the guide source but not clear it totally.  My use case is with Schedules Direct guide data, YMMV if you are using different guide data.

Why would you need to clear an existing mapping? In my case I have two feeds from Schedules Direct. A main feed that has most of my channels, and then a 2nd feed with about 3 channels that aren't in the main feed. I accidentally mapped one of those 3 channels to the wrong mapping in the 1st feed, but actually needed to assign it in the 2nd feed, so I needed a way to remove/clear the assignment from the 1st feed.

    1. In the Jellyfin GUI, in the TV Guide mapping page, find the Schedule Direct name of the incorrectly mapped channel. Note down the Schedule Direct name of the channel (e.g. Global BC HD)
    2. Edit your Schedule Direct TV Guide Data Provider and make note of the zip/postal code and selected Lineup
    3. Go to (make sure you are signed in)
    4. Next to SD-DD Subscribed Lineups, click "Add a new lineup"
    5. Enter the zip/postal code from step 2
    6. Find the Lineup name from step 2 and click "Preview Lineup" next to it
    7. Copy the Schedule Direct channel name from step 1 and ctrl+F for it on the Lineup page
    8. Once you find it, note down the XMLid
    9. Stop your Jellyfin server
    10. Backup your livetv.xml file
    11. Open the livetv.xml file
    12. Find the <NameValuePair> block where the <Value> tag matches the XMLid from step 8
    13. Delete the entire section. e.g:
    14. Save the file and start your Jellyfin server again

To add value to the steps above, I added this FAQ:
Q: Where is the livetv.xml file? (Step 10-11)
A1: For Docker users, review your docker run or docker-compose to see where you are binding "/config" on the host. The file will be located here as /config/livetv.xml.
A2: For Linux install (non-docker) the file may be located in /etc/jellyfin/livetv.xml

Q: How do I backup the livetv.xml file? (Step 10)
A: In linux, navigate to the file and then enter the command: "cp livetv.xml BAKlivetv.xml" This creates a duplicate file beginning with "BAK"

Q: How do I edit a text file in Linux? (Step 11)
A: Use the command: "nano livetv.xml"

Q: How can I search for the XMLid? (Step 12)
A: Press "Ctrl + W", type the XMLid, "Enter"

Q: When I'm done editing, how do I save and exit from nano? (Step 13)
A: Press "Ctrl + X", "Y", "Enter" to save and exit.

Q: What if I screwed up while editing and want to try again?
A: If still inside nano, you can discard your changes with "Ctrl + X", "N", "Enter". If you already saved the file with errors, then you can restore the backup we made earlier by: "cp BAKlivetv.xml livetv.xml" and answer "Y" to overwrite.

Q: I successfully cleared the mapping, now what?
A: Go into Jellyfin > Dashboard > Live TV, this time map it to the correct source!

RE: How to Unmap LiveTV Channels - williamthrilliam - 2024-07-20

Do you know where the per channel live TV xml guide is stored now? My /etc/jellyfin/livetv.xml doesn't contain per channel xml ids.

RE: How to Unmap LiveTV Channels - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-20

What you can do is install an app called "plocate".

sudo apt install plocate

Once that is installed you can type in "locate livetv.xml" and it will tell you where that is located now. I don't have TV guide data on my server so I can't find it for you.