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SOLVED: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Printable Version

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Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Ivorychalice - 2023-08-08

I have an ubuntu server that I installed Jellyfin on. I was setting it up when its not detecting the media folder I made in the home folder. I have set read and write permissions for that folder to 777 for anyone to read and write to but Jellyfin still doesn't see the folder, even when I enter the path manually it says that the path cannot be found.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-08

Jellyfin probably doesn't have access to the higher up paths. Your home directory should be used for files only you can access. If you have files that need to be accessed by other users, it's best move them somewhere else.

/media or /library or something like that. Make sure the jellyfin user has at least read and execute permissions on the directory.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Ivorychalice - 2023-08-08

(2023-08-08, 08:40 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Jellyfin probably doesn't have access to the higher up paths.  Your home directory should be used for files only you can access.  If you have files that need to be accessed by other users, it's best move them somewhere else.

/media or /library or something like that.  Make sure the jellyfin user has at least read and execute permissions on the directory.

my mistake, i didn't place the folder in my home folder, i placed it in the user folder. But I still don't know where to put it.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-08

Create a folder at the / level just for jellyfin. Like /jellyfin or /library or whatever. Anywhere that isn't your home directory, or the admin's home directory. Then move all your content there and make sure that jellyfin has permissions to it.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Ivorychalice - 2023-08-08

(2023-08-08, 08:58 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Create a folder at the / level just for jellyfin.  Like /jellyfin or /library or whatever.  Anywhere that isn't your home directory, or the admin's home directory.  Then move all your content there and make sure that jellyfin has permissions to it.

This actually helped! I was able to create a directory in /jellyfin and it detected the directory. However when I click the ok button when i go to add it to my media library, nothing happens. The menu is still there no matter how many times i click it, the folder isnt added to the media library.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-08

Can you post screenshots of you trying to add the library and of the command line permissions and file path?

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Ivorychalice - 2023-08-08

(2023-08-08, 09:37 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Can you post screenshots of you trying to add the library and of the command line permissions and file path?

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-08

In that first screenshot, the fact that there is a minus (-) symbol on the right tells me it added the directory. Click Ok?

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - Ivorychalice - 2023-08-08

(2023-08-08, 10:01 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: In that first screenshot, the fact that there is a minus (-) symbol on the right tells me it added the directory.  Click Ok?

That's what I did, nothing happens when I click ok. I don't know what it is.

RE: Jellyfin not scanning directories. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-08

Double checking your screenshots, I see you ran your "chmod" command BEFORE you moved everything into it. Re-run that chmod command.