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Trakt plugin speed issue - Printable Version

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Trakt plugin speed issue - KrustyRaven - 2024-05-24

Looking for some help.
Have 2 servers running Jellyfin 10.9.2 and latest version of Trakt plugin ( but they both take a very loooong time (see pics) to do initial sync.

Both have same settings (pic attached)

Any advice appreciated

Edit - sorry forgot to crop pics

RE: Trakt plugin speed issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-24

Can you share your jellyfin logs from that time period via pastebin? The rate limits on the Trakt API should be fast enough to complete this in minutes, even for a large library. So it has to be something else.

RE: Trakt plugin speed issue - KrustyRaven - 2024-05-27

Pastebin -

So I ran the sync to see what happened while watching the logs
Started sync, let run for 10 mins in this time it grabbed the 1st users details straight away then just sat there for the next 10 mins. At the 10 min mark i killed the sync and it then grabbed the remaining users (4) data. At this point it was at 6% of the process via the JF dashboard

RE: Trakt plugin speed issue - KrustyRaven - 2024-05-29

Bumping for visibility on pastebin update

RE: Trakt plugin speed issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-29

Can you submit a github issue here and provide the contents of the log in your pastebin?

RE: Trakt plugin speed issue - KrustyRaven - 2024-05-29

Done, cheers