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SOLVED: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - Printable Version

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Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-05-26

I set up my first Kodi client with the Jellyfin plug-in and everything works great and continues to work great. This was for a Chromebox running LibreElec. I moved onto a second client which is a Rasperry Pi 3B+ running OSMC. Both were set up exactly the same way with fresh installs exactly the same way with a Master, Adults and Kids Profiles. My server also has an Adults and Kids profile with corresponding libraries. The server showed up like it should and after selecting the libraries for the profiles, the adult one showed the correct media and then when I went to set up the kids profile, the library looked like it was syncing to the server, but then no media shows up. Now nothing shows in the adult profile either. The first client is still working fine with both profiles and their corresponding libraries behaving as they should. I'm kind of flummoxed because I literally followed the same official instructions exactly the same way. My server is running on a Mac Mini with Lubuntu, no container. I'm still not exactly sure how to post Jellyfin logs.

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-26

/var/log/jellyfin has all your logs. Copy and paste the logs to pastebin.

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-05-26

I have the log generated in nano but can't get it to paste in pastebin. Is there a better way to do that or a way to get the log to show up in the command line itself?

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-26

Use the "cat" command to just print the file to the command line.

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-05-26

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-26

Looks like some of your directories are inaccessible.

[2024-05-26 04:10:39.551 -06:00] [WRN] Library folder "/media/minihdd/Parent Movies" is inaccessible or empty, skipping
[2024-05-26 04:10:39.969 -06:00] [WRN] Library folder "/media/minihdd/Parent Movies" is inaccessible or empty, skipping

And this is also indicative of permission or accessibility issues.

[2024-05-26 04:10:40.275 -06:00] [ERR] Cannot compute blurhash for "/media/mybook/Shared Media/Shared TV Shows 3/Star Wars Clone Wars/season02-banner.jpg"
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-05-26

The Mini HDD folder being empty makes sense. I don't have anything in there yet. If it's a permissions issue why would one client be able to access everything but the new client doesn't? I guess that's the part that's confusing. One device works perfectly while other one looks completely empty and they're basically clone configurations.

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-26

On those "working" devices can you actually play the media?

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-05-27

Yes. Every file I’ve tried so far. The Chromebox works on both profiles. Oh and I forgot. I have the iOS app on my phone and that works fine too, but that’s not a Kodi client running the plug-in so I guess that doesn’t help a ton.

RE: Media Syncs on One Device, Not Both - docsuess84 - 2024-06-01

Just an update to resolve this and so it might help somebody else. The fact that I stream things on other devices made me think it wasn't an issue on the server side and it wasn't. I don't remember changing this Kodi setting and maybe it was changed as a result of installing the plug-in or something, but on the left hand menu there's a toggle option to lock/unlock sources. Both profiles and the admin profile had it checked as locked. As soon as you toggle it to unlocked, all the server media became visible and it's functioning like it should be.