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Help with my Telegram Webhook - Printable Version

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Help with my Telegram Webhook - Jinxovarrio - 2024-05-27

Hello everyone.

For some reason in webhook if I remove the crossed out items the notifications to telegram stop being received.

Can anyone tell me the reason?

I want to avoid so many notifications of new chapters as it is excessive otherwise.

"chat_id":"-100xxxxxxxxxxx ",
    {{#if_equals ItemType 'Series'}}
    "text": "<b><em>{{{Name}}} ({{Year}})</em></b>\n\n<code>Nueva serie añadida</code>\n\n<b>Sinopsis:</b> {{Overview}}\n\n<b>Duración</b>\n{{RunTime}}\n\nPara más información y trailer, <b>pulsa sobre la imagen</b>"
  {{#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'}}
    "text": "<b>{{{SeriesName}}} ({{Year}})</b>\n\n<code>Nuevo episodio añadido</code>\n\n<b>Temporada:</b> {{SeasonNumber00}} <b>Episodio:</b> {{EpisodeNumber00}}\n\n<b>Sinopsis:</b> {{Overview}}\n\n<b>Duración:</b> {{RunTime}}\n\nPara más información y trailer, <b>pulsa sobre la imagen</b>"
        {{#if_equals ItemType 'Movie'}}
  "text": "<b>{{{Name}}} ({{Year}})</b>\n\n<b>Sinopsis: </b>{{Overview}}\n\n<b>Duración:</b>{{RunTime}}\n\nPara más información y trailer, <b>pulsa sobre la imagen</b>"
    "parse_mode": "html",
    "link_preview_options": {
        "is_disabled": false,
        {{~#if_exist Provider_imdb~}}"url":"{{Provider_imdb}}/"
    {{~#if_exist Provider_tmdb~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Movie'~}}
        "prefer_large_media": true,
        "show_above_text": true

Maybe I have to leave this selection like this?


I used to have series, movies, episodes and season selected.

Thank you very much

RE: Help with my Telegram Webhook - crobibero - 2024-05-27

I believe you need to also remove an instance of {{/if_equals}} so the template can be closed properly