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Cast To DLNA (Sonos) device name - Printable Version

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Cast To DLNA (Sonos) device name - PeteyMW - 2024-05-29


I'm trying to determine how to rename / shorten Sonos speaker names that appear under the 'Cast to device' button. For example, my 2 Sonos speakers appear as:

' - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC# @Kitchen'
' - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC# @Office'

I wish to display these as simply the Sonos speaker name - the last word above: @Kitchen; @Office

I've started to investigate whether this can be done via DLNA, CSS or webhooks plugin options, with no success.

BTW, I attempted to enable DLNA debugging as per ("Emby.Dlna": "Debug", "Emby.Dlna.Eventing": "Debug"; also tried 'Jellyfin...' in place of 'Emby...') but don't see any [DBG] info. I do see entries like:

[INF] DLNA Session created for " - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC# @Kitchen" - "Sonos Play:1"
[INF] No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used.
DeviceIdentification { FriendlyName: " - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC' @Kitchen" ...

I hope someone can advise - thank you.


Dietpi system running Jellyfin v10.9.3

RE: Cast To DLNA (Sonos) device name - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-29

Pretty sure the device is providing a name to Jellyfin. So I'm assuming you'd have to change the name with the Sonos app.

RE: Cast To DLNA (Sonos) device name - PeteyMW - 2024-06-02


Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, although the speaker name can be changed via the Sonos app, it's JF's 'Cast to Devce / Play On' name [e.g. ' - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC' @Kitchen - DLNA'] I wish to change / shorten.
Unable to do so via Sonos (, I was hoping to change how Jellyfin displays it.
NB I see that Emby's DLNA plugin behaves similarly; their Sonos-specifc one does display speakers as required (e.g. '@Kitchen').

I've tried several avenues but have just about given up!

Aside: not related to this issue but to avoid 'No matching device profile found...' output in JF's log file for Sonos (S1) speakers, I created a ...jellyfin\plugins\configurations\dlna\user\sonos.xml:
Starting with jellyfin\plugins\DLNA_2.0.0.0\profiles\default.xml,  added / amended the following:

  <manufacturer>Sonos, Inc.</manufacturer>
  <modelDescription>Sonos Play:1</modelDescription>
  <modelName>Sonos Play:1</modelName>
    <HttpHeaderInfo name="User-Agent" value="Linux UPnP/1.0 Sonos/" match="Substring" />
  <DirectPlayProfile container="mp3,wav,m4a,mp4,aac,flac,ogg,asf,wma" videoCodec="" type="Audio" />

Identification info from http://<SonosSpeakerIP>:1400/xml/device_description.xml, with speaker-specific info rmoeved; 'HttpHeaderInfo' info from 'wget --server-response -qO /dev/null http://<SonosSpeakerIP>:1400/status'
DirectPlayProfile containers taken from:


RE: Cast To DLNA (Sonos) device name - PeteyMW - 2024-06-09

For info,

I resolved this by building Jellyfin.Plugin.Dlna.dll with a small tweak. In source code jellyfin-plugin-dlna\src\Jellyfin.Plugin.Dlna\PlayTo\PlayToManager.cs:

string deviceName = device.Properties.Name;

string deviceName = device.Properties.Name.Substring(device.Properties.Name.LastIndexOf('@'));

- my Sonos speakers now appear as their speaker name (e.g. previously presented as ' - Sonos Play:1 - RINCON_#MAC# @Kitchen - DLNA', now simply '@Kitchen - DLNA').
- other devices, without @ in their uPnP name, are unaffected.
