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Live TV: Use the image supplied through "Edit Images" - Printable Version

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Live TV: Use the image supplied through "Edit Images" - Iskelderon - 2024-05-30

10.9.3 still doesn't show the specified image on the home screen and instead continues to use the default logo.
Looking again in "Edit Images" through the options menu in the home screen shows that the selected image is stored somewhere, even though it's not used.

This is just a minor thing that can disturb the visual consistency if you use images to style your main page, but it would stull be nice to see this fixed in a future version.

RE: Live TV: Use the image supplied through "Edit Images" - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-30

When I get home I will try to figure this out. My live TV icon on the home screen is also the generic TV image and haven't gotten around to changing it.

RE: Live TV: Use the image supplied through "Edit Images" - Iskelderon - 2024-05-30

It's not important, but might be a "nice to have" in 10.10.0 down the road.