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Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Printable Version

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Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Rafael Silva - 2024-05-30

Hello all, 

As stated in the title, if HW transcoding is on, I cannot stream to the Android app ever since the 10.9.2 official update (and now 10.9.3). I can, with no problems whatsoever, navigate on my phone through Chrome and use the web player to watch stuff. It is the same on my desktop and laptop, but not on the Android App, which is a problem since it's the only thing that works on my Android TV box. 

If I turn off HW transcoding, it works, albeit the colors look completely off, bad enough that it makes me not wanna watch it at all. I really want to know what's going on with it so that I can fix it. I've attached a log which at the end you can see it fails due to CUDA. Jellyfin is running off of Unraid from Hotio's repository, version 10.9.3 currently, Unraid is installed on a workstation with an E5-1620V3 and the GPU is an Nvidia 1050ti, 64GB (8x4GB) of ECC RAM at 2400mhz. Jellyfin Cache is on an NVMe, media is on the Array.

I want to stick to the new version since it fixed the subtitle issues that I used to have (lag at the start), which was a deal breaker for anime. The new 10.9.X seem to work flawlessly outside of that specific issue. If I can make it work on my Android TV at least, that would solve all my problems. FYI, I'm not too tech savvy with things like logs, terminal, and stuff like that, I'm mostly a gamer and still learning about Unraid and media hosting as well, so sorry if I did something wrong or left some key details out.

ffmpeg Log:

Transcode settings:

Update: Forgot to add "-e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all --gpus all" to the extra parameters under advanced view of the Jellyfin container.

RE: Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Fate - 2024-05-30

From the log it seems jellyfin can't access the CUDA device.

Can you post the ffmpeg transcode logs as well?

Lets assume you passthrough the whole GPU, can you run:
in the Unraid terminal: docker exec -it jellyfin nvidia-smi

However CPU vs GPU decoding should have no influence over the colors. It should be nearly identical. (if you ignore minor quality differences like blocking)

Your desktop is probably getting directplay which means transcoding (gpu and cpu) is completely bypassed.

.SSA/.ass Subtitles like in Anime force the AndroidTV client to force a transcode.
Alternative is to install MPV and VLC on androidtv device and set the Jellyfin player to "external player" and select either libVLC or MPV.

RE: Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-30

Read this walkthrough a forum member wrote up.

Double check your passthrough setup.

RE: Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Rafael Silva - 2024-05-31

Thank you both for the replies, I'll try both things and see what happens.

RE: Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Rafael Silva - 2024-05-31

(2024-05-30, 01:28 PM)Fate Wrote: From the log it seems jellyfin can't access the CUDA device.

Can you post the ffmpeg transcode logs as well?

Lets assume you passthrough the whole GPU, can you run:
in the Unraid terminal: docker exec -it jellyfin nvidia-smi

However CPU vs GPU decoding should have no influence over the colors. It should be nearly identical. (if you ignore minor quality differences like blocking)

Your desktop is probably getting directplay which means transcoding (gpu and cpu) is completely bypassed.

.SSA/.ass Subtitles like in Anime force the AndroidTV client to force a transcode.
Alternative is to install MPV and VLC on androidtv device and set the Jellyfin player to "external player" and select either libVLC or MPV.

disregard, fixed it

RE: Android App won't work if HW Acc is on - Rafael Silva - 2024-05-31

(2024-05-30, 04:35 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Read this walkthrough a forum member wrote up.

Double check your passthrough setup.

Ok, so Fixed it. This is what I used to set it up the first time, but recently I had changed repositories and forgot to add the extra parameters. I did now and that fixed it.