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Librairies API Call - Printable Version

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Librairies API Call - Thierry - 2024-05-31

Hello all,
I want to seting up my jellyfin server with a program I develop.
I use API Calls to do this.
But I don't know How to add or remove a librairy for a specific user with the API.
I didin't find anything about this in the API Doc.
Could you please help me?

RE: Librairies API Call - Thierry - 2024-06-05

Someone to help me with API ?

RE: Librairies API Call - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-05

Try joining us in Discord/Matrix. There are some developer focused channels that our devs frequent more than the forum.

RE: Librairies API Call - pcm - 2024-06-05

It's documented here -

You'd need to make a POST request to /Users/a-user-id/Policy endpoint ...
In the request payload you'd need to provide the the list of 'folder-id's (aka library-id) of you'd want for enabled for that user.

Something like as your request payload would do
    "AuthenticationProviderId": "blah",
    "PasswordResetProviderId": "blah",
    "EnabledFolders": [

You'd get a 204 Response with no content if all goes well.

You can get a list of available folders/libraries and their names ids and other details using the GET /Library/VirtualFolders request. API doc here -