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Can you change the order of the libraries in the dashboard? - Printable Version

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Can you change the order of the libraries in the dashboard? - Dagobert_Krikelin - 2024-06-01

Hi, I had to re-create two of my categories because the text didn't show up on top.
The issue is that now they aren't in order anymore. Is there anyway to change this or do you have to create them in the order they are to be presented?
Mind that the order on my Home screen is fine, I know how to change that.


RE: Can you change the order of the libraries in the dashboard? - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-01

It's not possible. I've even seen them switch order after server restarts.

You could try restarting like crazy and see if you get your desired order.

RE: Can you change the order of the libraries in the dashboard? - Dagobert_Krikelin - 2024-06-01

(2024-06-01, 08:29 PM)Efficient_Good_5784 Wrote: It's not possible. I've even seen them switch order after server restarts.

You could try restarting like crazy and see if you get your desired order.
Thank you. I thought so. I mean it doesn't matter, but I think there should be an option in there too to set the order.

RE: Can you change the order of the libraries in the dashboard? - pcm - 2024-06-03

It seems like it just picks up the order based on created timestamp ? In which case the OCD-side of me would just go ahead and drop and recreate all the 'series' categories just so that they get a more recent timestamp than the two new movie categories and come after the movies once again...
It's an okay solution for a one-off situation, but I can see how such an exercise can get super-tedious as a library's categories evolve overtime.